Web Service Script Action

About the Web Service Script Action



Graphical Action Designer: Web Service Script Quick Action

About the Web Service Script Action

The Web Service Script action implements the web service script outgoing integration connection.  Instead of creating an integration job to run the script, you can create an action to run it.


Parameter Description
Enter action name A unique name for the action.
Enter action description Optional. A description of what the action does.
Enter category Optional. The category. Select from the drop-down list.

The name of the connection. The connection contains the execution script to run. Select a connection that was previously created from the Web Service Connection workspace. The application only lists connections that are enabled.

See Working with Incoming Web Service Connections for more information about creating web service connections.

Execution Script

Automatically populated based on the connection that you selected in the Connection field. Contains the script to execute.


Button Action
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.